Toy Story 3 has all the earlier elements of part one and two combined with stunning visual effects, touching dialogues and a brilliant background score.
Brazilian striker Ronaldo fears his reputation has been ruined forever after his "shameful" run-in with transvestites in Rio de Janeiro last week. "I've done something really stupid in my personal life," the AC Milan player said in an interview with Globo television on Sunday.
Badmaash Company is an unimaginably boring film that is so amateurish it hurts.
'You take so much advantage of your body. You eat, drink, sleep, smile, travel, talk, have sex -- you use this body for everything. Then why not look after it so that you can use longer?' 'You owe it to your body to treat it well. This is what I believe in.' Anil Kapoor reveals his youthful secret.
'When I was younger, 15 years or 20 years seemed like a really long time. But, as you journey though life, you don't realise where the years disappear...'
Supporting cast including a deadpan Taylor Lautner don't help the movie either.
The world must hang its head in shame for being a mute spectator to the 'cultural holocaust' in Tibet, says Major General Mrinal Suman (retd).
This coming of age film is now out on DVD which is loaded with extras.
'I changed because I wanted to excel myself at every point. It's important to look good and take care of yourself as there is so much competition. I have not done any surgery. My lips have always been like this. Today, my face is exactly how it was, when I was 16.' Shama Sikander up, close and personal.
Bhosale's tenure from January 1982 to February 1983 was a colourful one, with his admirers and political rivals alike being at the receiving end of his witty one-liners.
32 years ago, CPI-M activists hacked both the legs of Sadanandan Master, a former party member who has moved over to the RSS. Master learnt to walk using prosthetic legs and rebuilt his life. Today he is the BJP candidate highly-sensitive Koothuparamba constituency of Kannur. He told Shobha Warrier/ his story.
'When a woman uses stunning sexy photo shoots to make a splash and be noticed by the audiences and the industry, it doesn't mean she can be broken down to breasts, buttocks, legs, navel and oh... a pretty face,' says movie director Suparn Verma.
'Good bye little Angel. Fly away from the dirt, din and mire of this Republic that neither could protect you in life nor allow you to breathe your last on your own soil. Protecting their own hides,' says Sudarshana Dwivedi, 'has become more important to our protectors.'
India is fast becoming a favoured destination for global animators.
Sikandar could have been a good children's film, but a slew of very weak performances and overall pacing flaws drive the movie to instant forgettability.
Bride Wars starring Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway is vapid and inessential.
Director Anil Sharma gives us an insight into the Deol men, and other Bollywood Greats.
Adinetha is a film in sync with the current political scenario. It's a tad preachy, lengthy and utopian to watch. Jagapathi Babu carries the film on his shoulders.
The decline in society began when we reduced the message of Gita to fatalism. We are forever waiting for a messiah to come and rescue us as promised in Gita. But we have forgotten the central message of Gita to do our 'karma' or duty without the attachment to rewards and its fruit, says Colonel (retd) Anil Athale.
Want to score a hot date on V-Day? Our smooth-talking Don Jawan has some advice for you.
Is your love life under pressure? Are you troubled by your relationship? Get Ahead's Love Guru hosted a chat with readers on December 30 to help them deal with love problems. For those of you who missed it, here's the transcript.
Some words on The Amazing Spider-Man ONLY for those who have already watched it. After writing a completely spoiler-free review, lifelong fan Raja Sen finally explains why the reboot matters.
Indian chess diva Tania Sachdev holds forth on women in the sport.
The new Spider-Man film gets everything wrong except the girl, feels Raja Sen.
Director Marc Webb's strength as a director lies in just how smoothly he flips genres, switching between gears with immaculate ease.
None of James Bond movies are complete without beautiful women, hi-tech gadgets and of course gorgeous four wheels.
Facebook's COO Sheryl Sandberg spoke about success, surviving loss and failure to the graduating class of 2016 at UC Berkeley.
The latest news on models, designers and actors from the world of glamour and fashion.
Neetu Singh and Prakash Padukone comment on their children's romance.
In a weekly chat with readers, Lovu Guru shares relationship advice and offers solutions.
Nutan was the kind of woman Shammi got drawn to -- sensitive, aware and erudite, yet seductively feminine.
In the piece below, Roy's stepdaughter Trisha Ahmed, a second-year student at Johns Hopkins University, recounts the father she remembers and the attack she's trying to forget.
Shubir Rishi/ continues his jungle adventure and narrates his day at the Kanha National Park.
Mr Jaspal Singh, managing director of Caan World Consultants, a reputed student visa consultancy in Jalandhar, sheds light on new UK student visa policies.
Shatrughan Sinha has never minced his word. No wonder then his biography is titled, Anything But Khamosh.